Production of Face Mask (Source: Wikimedia )
The coronavirus pandemic is advancing at high speed: worldwide, more than 291,420 people have been infected in 165 countries (6,557 more new cases in Italy, and a total of infected cases are 14,459 in France), and more than and more than 12,725 death in the world have died (4,825 in Italy, 562 in France, 112 more death in 24h in France). Over a billion people are quarantined worldwide in 35 countries. In the United States, 30% of the population is, to varying degrees, placed in confinement, notably in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. In France Medical staff, in hospitals, nursing homes, etc., never stop asking 9and still begging for) for masks and means because face masks are unavailable neither for medical teams, nor for police, firefighters and even less in pharmacies. Doctors had been widely reported by the press in France to the government to raise cries of warning because they are directly exposed to the patients, and risk becoming sick with Coronavirus themselves. Some private companies have launched the production of full-speed masks while awaiting their distribution to the medical teams, especially in priority.[Updated on Thursday March 21 at 10:30 pm]
The toll continues to increase in the world. Only Russia will send specialists and equipment to help the Italian authorities, whose death toll due to COVID-19 is catastrophic, Saturday March 21, Italy recorded a new record, with 793 people died in 24 hours or 4,825 dead since the onset of the epidemic on the other side of the Alps. Italian authorities have also announced 6,557 new positive cases, another record. The Milan region, Lombardy (north) is the most affected in the country with 546 new deaths and half of the new cases registered.[Updated on Thursday March 21 at 8:10 pm]
A MASK SHORTAGE CAUSES THE ANGER OF THE MEDICAL TEAMS THAT PUSH A SOS TO THE GOVERNMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical staff, in hospitals, nursing homes, etc., never stop asking for masks and means because face masks are unavailable neither for medical teams, nor for police, firefighters and even less in pharmacies. Doctors had been widely reported by the press in France to the government to raise cries of warning because they are directly exposed to the patients, and risk becoming sick with Coronavirus themselves. Some private companies have launched the production of full-speed masks while awaiting their distribution to the medical teams, especially in priority.
POLICE OFFICERS ARE ANGRY AS THEY HAVE NO GLOVES NOR FACE MASK TO PROTECT THEMSELVES---Officers are now allowed to wear a mask if "circumstances" "require", according to an internal memo. Since the start of confinement Tuesday, March 17, 2020, to fight against the coronavirus and the implementation of controls to enforce it, the national police have faced a sling led by their unions who claim the right to wear a mask for the agents because they are exposed to the risks of contamination (some infected cases in certain Paris police stations have them pushing to establish quaranatiens themselves!)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Already authorized to requisition respiratory protection masks stored or produced in France, the state can now seize all or part of imports of this type of product, according to a decree published today, Saturday, March 21, in the Official Journal.
"Stocks of imported masks can give rise to total or partial requisition until May 31, 2020," said this text.The coronavirus epidemic is advancing at high speed: worldwide, more than 167,414 people have been infected (81, 020 in China, 23, 980 in Italy, and 6,633 in France), and more than 6,507 have died (3,217 in China, 1811 in Italy, 148 in France). The National lockdown has been adopted in France was announced, since March 17th, announced the day before on Tv at 8pm, as he addressed the French Nation. Source : AFP, WHO
Covid19 Coronavirus Pneumonia Outbreak Lockdown France Face Masks Shortage Pm Edouard Philippe President Macron Quarantine Sibeth Ndiaye Spokesperson Level 3 Jedi Foster Rahma Sophia Rachdi
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